We offer consultancy and on the ground practical and sustainable horticulture business implementations

Mon - Sat 8.00 - 17.00





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Farmsure helps farmers implement the Global GAP, BRC, UTZ and other certifications in their farms and thus through third party audits by Global GAP certified bodies assist the farmers to achieve the Global GAP certifications.

Food Safety

For food producers today there is a demand by consumers that they grow safe, healthy products in a safe way. Currently farmers are required by various legislation, consumers and retailers to use production techniques that reduce the impact of farming on the environment, to reduce the use of chemicals, and to make use of natural resources while safeguarding the welfare of both workers , farm animals and sea.

Being able to show commitment to good agricultural farming practices with Global GAP, BRC and UTZ certifications has become essential. Therefore Farmsure becomes an avenue by which you can be able to meet these standards and thus achieve maximum profitability and favor of your produce in the market.

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